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Oracles of Delphi Keep Book 4: Everything You Need to Know Before the Release Date


Last Updated on April 12, 2021 Victoria Laurie is the bestselling author of the Psychic Eye Mysteries paranormal series. In addition she has written several other paranormal series including the Ghost Hunter Mystery series, The Life Coach Mystery series, the Oracles of Delphi series, and her new Spellbound series. Here are the Victoria Laurie books in order for her series and every new book that comes out in the future. They are all listed in chronological and publication order.

[10.14.6] Now I greatly marveled that it was from Themistocles alone that the priestess refused to accept Persian spoils. Some thought that the god would have rejected alike all offerings from Persian spoils, if like Themistocles the others had inquired of Apollo before making their dedication. Others said that the god knew that Themistocles would become a suppliant of the Persian king, and refused to take the gifts so that Themistocles might not by a dedication render the Persian's enmity unappeasable. The expedition of the barbarian against Greece we find foretold in the oracles of Bacis, and Euclus wrote his verses about it at an even earlier date.

oracles of delphi keep book 4 release date

Book OneMythical Origins of East-West ConflictOpening alludes to Homer, suggests epic scale and purpose (memorialization).Rape of Io by Phoenician traders as Persian version of origin of East-Westconflict (1). Reciprocal rapes of Europa and Medea by Greeks (2). Rape ofHelen; negotiations fail (3). Women are guilty in rape cases, as Helen was;Helen was not worth fighting for (4). A Phoenician version of Io story makesher responsible. Hdt. reserves judgement; he will tell the history of stateslarge and small, with an awareness of human instability (5). Croesus of Lydia(ruled c. 560-546 BC) was the first eastern king to encroach on Greek freedom(6). Lydian HistoryDigression from Croesus: how Lydian sovereignty passed from the Heraclidae toCroesus' ancestors. Candaules (c. 700 BC) was the last of the Heraclidae (7).Candaules offers his servant Gyges a chance to peep at his wife; Gyges isreluctant (8). Candaules insists, and Gyges is forced to agree (9). Gyges spieson the queen, who notices him; she does not let on (10). The queen summonsGyges, and offers him a choice: die himself, or kill the king and marry her.Gyges chooses to be king (11). Gyges murders the king; Gyges is mentioned byArchilochus (12). Gyges' rule is endorsed by an oracle. The revenge of theHeraclidae is predicted; Hdt. notes that the prophecy was accurate (13).Offerings of Gyges are still to be seen at Delphi in Hdt.'s own time (14).Gyges and his son Ardys both invaded Miletus, a major Greek city on the coastof Asia Minor. Cimmerians in Asia (15). Military exploits of Sadyattes andAlyattes (ruled c. 610-560 BC), successors of Ardys (16). Repeated invasions ofMilesian territory by Sadyattes and Alyattes (17). Men of Chios (an island offthe coast of Asia Minor) assist the Milesians (18). Alyattes' soldiers burn thetemple of Athene; Alyattes falls ill. An oracle advises rebuilding the temple(19). Note on sources: this is the Milesian version. Periander of Corinth(ruled c. 625-585 BC) advises Thrasybulus of Miletus about an oracle (20).Thrasybulus gives a public party when the ambassador from Alyattes arrives(21). Alyattes is tricked into thinking the Milesians have plenty of food, sohe makes peace and builds new temples (22). The strange but true tale of Arion,a pioneering musician and poet. Made to walk the plank at sea, he jumpedoverboard and rode to safety on a dolphin; a statue of him & the dolphin atTaenarum in southern Italy (23-24). The death of Alyattes; his silver bowl atDelphi (25). Croesus of LydiaAttacks by Alyattes' son Croesus on Ephesus and other Greek cities of AsiaMinor (26). Croesus conquers all Greeks on the coast, but decides not to usehis navy against Greeks of the islands (27). Extent of the Lydian empire underCroesus (28). Solon the Athenian lawgiver visits Croesus; the Athenians werebound to keep his laws for ten years (29). Solon is shown the wealth ofCroesus; asked to name the luckiest man he knows, Solon tells Croesus the storyof Tellus of Athens, to illustrate true nature of happiness/wealth (Gkolbos; 30). Solon names Cleobis and Biton, who won a lasting reputationfor piety by pulling their mother to the temple of Hera in an ox-cart, thesecond most fortunate (31). Solon cites the unpredictability of human affairsin explaining why he refuses to call Croesus fortunate (32). Solon is dismissedby the heedless Croesus (33). How divine anger (Nemesis) got Croesus. Afterdreaming that his son Atys would be killed by an iron spear, Croesus tries tochange Atys' life from military to domestic (34). Croesus gives purificationand refuge to a Phrygian fratricide named Adrastus (35). Croesus agrees to sendhelp to the Mysians, who are unable to defeat a monstrous boar (36). Croesus'son Atys asks to be allowed to go and fight the boar (37). Croesus refuses andexplains to Atys about the dream (38). Atys argues that a boar cannot kill himwith a spear; Croesus agrees and lets him go (39-40). Croesus sends Adrastus tolook after Atys (41-2). Adrastus accidentally kills Atys with a spear,fulfilling the oracle (43). Croesus invokes Zeus in three aspects (god ofhearth, purification, and friendship) to punish Adrastus; but then Croesusforgives the penitent Adrastus, who commits suicide (44-5). Croesus consultsvarious oracles about challenging the growing power of Persia (46). How Croesustested the veracity of the different oracles, and Delphi won (47-9). Sumptuousofferings to Delphian Apollo by Croesus; some seen by Hdt himself (50-1).Offerings to oracle of Amphiaraus in Thebes by Croesus (52). Greek oraclesconsulted by Croesus re attacking Persia reply that he (Croesus) will destroy agreat empire, and should ally with most powerful Greek state (53). Croesus ispleased by the response; friendship of Lydians and Delphians (54). Croesus asksthe oracle about the length of his rule; the oracle suggests he flee when amule is king of Persia (55). Croesus deliberates whether to ally with Athens orSparta; prehistory of the 'Ionians' (ancestors of the Athenians) and 'Dorians'(Spartans) (56). Athens and Sparta: Early HistoryResearches of Hdt on the non-Greek nature of Pelasgian speech (57-8). Strangeportent of the self-boiling kettle does not convince Hippocrates of Athens todisown his son Pisistratus. How Pisistratus, when Attica was split by factions,tricked the Athenians into giving him a bodyguard and became tyrant; benevolentnature of the rule of Peisistratus (59). Pisistratus expelled by coalition oftwo rivals, Megacles and Lycurgus. Reconciliation of Megacles and Pisistratus;Athenians tricked into believing that Athene (in fact a costumed woman ofAttica) was bringing Pisistratus back in a chariot (60). Pisistratus marriesMegacles' daughter, but fears to have children because of the curse on theAlcmaeonids (Megacles' ancestors) and so practices birth control by continuallysodomizing Megacles' daughter. The angry Megacles forces Pisitratus into exilein Macedonia, where he spends ten years amassing an army with his sons Hippiasand Hipparchus (61). Return of Pisistratus to Attica; Pisistratus and hisallies take Marathon, face Athenians at Pallene; prophecy of the tuna fish(62). Successful advance of Pisistratus into Athens. Hostages to Naxos (one ofthe Cyclades islands, previously taken by Peisistratus); Delos is purified byexhumation (63-4). What Croesus learned about Sparta: that she had recentlybeaten Tegea (in the northern Peloponnesus) in war, and that long before theirlawgiver Lycurgus had given the Spartan state its form (65). How the Spartansasked the Delphic oracle about conquering Arcadia, misinterpreted the oracle,and were beaten by the Tegeans (66). How the Spartans were told by the oracleto recover the bones of Orestes (son of Agamemnon) from Tegea, and did so, andso were successful against the Tegeans (67-8). Further Adventures of CroesusAn alliance made between Croesus and the Spartans (69). A valuable gift fromthe Spartans to Croesus, a huge bronze bowl, disappears at Samos (an island offthe Ionian coast); conflicting accounts of what happened to the bowl (70).Advice of Sandanis the Lydian to Croesus, preparing to attack Cappadocia (aterritory of the Persians); Croesus advised not to attack; rough nature ofPersian civilisation makes them an unworthy target (71). Ethnographic andgeographic info on the Cappadocians (Syrians) (72). Origin of Croesus' hatredfor Cyrus the Persian King. Cyaxares, father of Croesus' brother-in-law, hostssome Scythian exiles, who quarrel with him, feed him human flesh, and escape toCroesus' father Alyattes; the resulting war of Lydians and Cappadocians endswhen the armies are terrified by an eclipse (585 BC?); Croesus' sister is givento Cyaxares' son Astyages as part of the treaty. Cyrus attacks and defeatsAstyages, thus angering Croesus (73-4). Story of how Thales of Miletus divertedthe river Halys so Croesus' army could cross is doubted by Hdt, who thinksbridges were used (75). Croesus battles Cyrus at Pteria in Cappadocia (76).Croesus retreats back to Lydia, and summons reinforcements from his alliesEgypt, Babylon, and Sparta (77). Croesus dismisses the mercenaries. The portentof the horses and snakes is interpreted too late for Croesus to benefit (78).Cyrus decides to advance into Lydia and surprises Croesus; excellence of Lydiansoldiers (79). Battle of Sardis; Cyrus uses camels to defeat the Lydiancavalry. Sardis under seige (80). Urgent requests of Croesus for aid fromallies (81). The Spartans are battling the Argives (their neighbors to thenortheast) over Thyreae. A Homeric battle of champions fails to resolve theissue. The Spartans are victorious; why the Spartans have long hair and theArgives short (82). The Spartans are too late to help Croesus (83). How Sardiswas taken by Cyrus. Tale of Meles and the lion (84). How Croesus' mute sonfulfilled a prophecy by speaking his first words on an unlucky day (85). Thefall of Sardis fulfills the Pythian oracle (cf. 1.53). Croesus, about to beburned alive, names Solon. Croesus explains Solon's wisdom to Cyrus. Cyrus ismoved and orders Croesus removed from pyre (86). The Lydians say Apollo sent arainstorm to put it out. Croesus blames the gods for his decision to attack(87). Croesus warns Cyrus that his soldiers will be corrupted if allowed toplunder Sardis; he convinces him to dedicate the treasure to Zeus instead(88-9). Cyrus gives Croesus permission to send symbolic chains to Apollo atDelphi and reproach the god for ingratitude (90). How the oracle defendeditself and Apollo against the accusations of Cyrus. Cyrus fulfilled theprophecy dooming the descendants of Gyges, and himself misinterpreted theoracle (91). Dedicatory offerings of Croesus are seen by Hdt.; some stolen fromCroesus' half-brother Pantaleon, whom Croesus tortured to death (92). Strangebut true facts about Lydia and the Lydians (93). Lydian coinage, games, andcolonisation of Umbria in Italy (Tyrrhenians) (94).Early History of Persia Sources for Cyrus and Persia are discussed. Assyrians and Medes (95). HowDeioces the Mede won a reputation for justice and was made king. Description ofhis capital at Agbatana (96-8). Why Deioces lived in isolation from his people(99). His administration of justice and iron-fisted policies. The Median tribes(100-1). His son Phraortes becomes king (656 B.C. ?) and expands the empiregreatly (102). Phraortes' son Cyaxares is defeated by the Scythians whiletrying to conquer the Assyrians; how the Scythians crossed into Asia Minor.Scythians are the masters of Asia (103-4). The Scythians attack Egypt withoutsuccess. How some Scythians destroyed a temple of Aphrodite and were forevercursed with an hereditary venereal disease (105). Harsh rule of the Scythiansin Asia Minor is ended after 28 years by Cyaxares (106). His son Astyages is inpower. Astyages' daughter, married to Cambyses, bears a son, Cyrus. Astyages iswarned by dreams about Cyrus, so he gives the baby to a servant, Harpagus, tokill it (107-8). Harpagus decides not to kill the baby (109). Harpagusinstructs a herdsman to expose the baby (110). The herdsman and his wife,knowing the child's royal blood, decide to raise it; she has just given birthto a stillborn baby, whose body they substitute for Cyrus'. Harpagus is fooled(111-13). How Cyrus' identity was revealed at the age of ten. Playing King ofthe Hill, he beats the son of a nobleman; upon questioning by Astyages (hisgrandfather) his regal manner gives the secret away (114-15). Astyages confirmshis suspicions by questioning the herdsman (116). Harpagus confesses andreveals how he was fooled (117). Astyages pretends to forgive Harpagus, andinvites him and his own son (a boy of 13) to dinner (118). Astyages hasHarpagus' son roasted and fed to Harpagus, then reveals the deed. Harpagusaccepts the punishment (119). Astyages is advised by his wise men that theprophecy (that Cyrus would be king) has already been fulfilled by the game.Cyrus is allowed to live (120). Cyrus is sent to Persia to live with his realparents. The origin of the story that he was suckled by a wild dog is explained(121-22). An angry Harpagos sends a secret letter to Cyrus, urging him to leadthe Persians in rebellion against Astyages and promising the support of Mediannobles (123-24). Cyrus is convinced. He assembles all the tribes of thePersians and wins their loyalty by showing them the good life of ease andfeasting (125-26). Astyages puts Harpagus in command of the Medes; Cyrus' firstvictory is assured by defections among the Medes (127). Astyages executes hiswise men, leads his reserves against Cyrus, and is defeated and captured (128).The final bitter words between Harpagus and Astyages (129). Persians aresupreme in Asia thereafter; Cyrus' clemency for Astyages; overview of Persianaffairs (130). Strange but true religious practices of the Persians (131).Persian birthdays, and their eating/drinking habits (132-33). Social practicesand hierarchy of the Persians. How the Medes ran their empire (134). Furthercustoms of the Persians: sexual practices; education; legal system;superstitions; nomenclature (135-39). Burial customs of the Persians and Magi;sacrifices (140).The Greeks of Asia MinorHistory of East-West conflict momentarily resumed. Cyrus rejects apeace offer from the Ionian Greeks; the parable of the flutist-fisherman.Assembly of Ionians at Mycale (Samos) (141). Climate and dialects of the IonianGreeks (142). The Milesians and islanders are temporarily safe from thePersians, who have no navy yet. Remarks on the tribal characteristics of theIonians (143). A Dorian parallel for intertribal rivalry. Why Hdt's own city ofHalicarnassus is barred from the Dorian temple of Triopian Apollo (144).Ionians and Achaeans (145). Why the claim of the Ionians of Asia to be thepurest Ionians is false (146). Yet some Asian Ionians are pure Ionians (147).The Panionium or Ionian Center at Mycale; an Ionian festival there (148).Aeolic cities of Asia Minor (149). How Smyrna changed from an Aeolic to anIonian city. Aeolians of the islands, Lesbos and Tenedos (150). The Growth of Persian PowerHistory of East-West conflict resumed. The half-hearted support of Sparta forthe Greeks of Asia Minor; the Spartan warning to Cyrus, and his scornful reply.Cyrus goes to fight his enemies to the east, and leaves his deputies in chargeof the coast (151-53). The Lydians rebel under Pactyes, and besiege the Persiangovernor at Sardis (154). Cyrus complains to Croesus about the ingratitude ofthe Lydians and asks his advice. Croesus suggests he punish Pactyes, but sparethe Lydians. Croesus' advice: emasculate the Lydians by making them singers,dancers, and salesmen (155). Why Croesus said this: to save his countrymen.Cyrus agrees and sends orders to Lydia on those lines (156). Pactyes flees toCyme. Sardis is again in Persian hands. The Cymaeans consult an oracle onwhether to surrender Pactyes to the Persians. The oracle is doubted byAristodicus of Cyme, but it insists that Pactyes be handed over (157-59). TheCymaeans, reluctant to deny the suppliant, send Pactyes to Mytilene (Lesbos),then to Chios, whence he is handed over to the Persians (160). The Persiansbegin attacks on the Greeks of Asia Minor. Harpagus is Cyrus' general. Phocaeais attacked (161-62). Naval history of Phocaea; how they got their wall (163).Harpagus besieges Phocaea; the Phocaeans evacuate the city by sea (164). SomePhocaeans defy a curse to resettle at Phocaea; others move to their colony onCorsica (165-66). Naval battle of Phocaeans from Corsica vs. Carthaginians(Tunisians) and Tyrrhenians. Murder of Phocaean prisoners, and origin offuneral games at Agylla. Foundation of Elea by Phocaeans (167). Teos falls toHarpagus; the Teans evacuate (168). Harpagus completes the conquest of theIonian Greeks; the islanders surrender (169). Proposals of Bias and Thales forIonian migration and resettlement are rejected by the Ionians at the Panionium(170). Harpagus attacks Caria. History of the Carian people; their innovationsin shield-making; their involvement with the Cretans (171). Customs of theCaunians (172). History and customs of the Lycians (173). Further conquests ofHarpagus. The Cnidian canal is forbidden by an oracle; surrender of theCnidians (174). The heroic resistance to Harpagus by Carians of Pedasus andLycians of Xanthus eventually fails (175-76). The conquests of Cyrus. Hisattack on the Assyrians; their capital of Babylon and its wall are described(177-78). Further remarks on the fortifications of Babylon (179-81). TheChaldaean shrine at Babylon and its virgin priestess (182). The fabulous goldentreasures in the shrines at Babylon (183). The Babylonian queen Semiramis builtthe dikes (184). A later Babylonian queen, Nitocris, and her achievements infortification and the diversion of rivers (185-86). The tomb of Nitocris, andhow it was eventually opened by Darius (king of Persia, 521-486 B.C.) in searchof treasure, but found to be empty (187). How the Persian king drinks onlyspecial water on campaign (188). How Cyrus, en route to Babylon, grew angry atthe river Gyndes for drowning his horse, and defeated the river by dividing itinto 360 channels (189). Cyrus besieges Babylon, then takes the city bydraining off the Euphrates and leading his men through the shallow river bed towithin the walls (190-91). Examples illustrating the wealth and productivity ofBabylon and environs (192). Climate and agriculture of Assyria (Iraq) (193).Construction and usage of the Armenian circle-boats (194). Clothing,appearance, and customs of the Assyrians. The public auction of young women formarriage (195-96). Medical and burial practices of the Babylonians (197-98).The strange custom of the Assyrian women, whereby once in her life each womanmust be a prostitute in honor of Mylitta (their Aphrodite) (199). ThreeAssyrian tribes eat only fish-cakes (200). Cyrus advances east to attack theMassagetae; geography and customs of the Massagetae. The Caspian and theCaucasus (201-4). Tomyris, queen of the Massagetae, suggests that Cyrus ceasetrying to bridge the Araxes under duress, and that the two sides meet in a fairfight on either side of the river (205-6). Only Croesus opposes this idea.Croesus proposes to cross the Araxes, then to set a trap for the Massagetae bysetting out a great feast and attacking them as they eat (207). Cyrus acceptsthis plan; Croesus is sent back to Persia with Cyrus' son Cambyses in his care(208). Cyrus dreams of Darius with wings looming over Europe and Asia, butmisinterprets the dream. Darius' father is sent back to Persia to keep an eyeon his son, who Cyrus fears is plotting against him (209-10). The plan ofCroesus succeeds; the Massagetae are defeated, and Tomyris' son is captured(211). Tomyris warns Cyrus to return her son and retreat, but he refuses (212).The suicide of Tomyris' son (213). A huge battle of the Persians and theMassagetae; Cyrus is defeated and killed. His corpse is abused by Tomyris(214). Manners and customs of the Massagetae (215-16). Hum 110 Reed Classics Reed Library Reed Perseus 2ff7e9595c

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