A Godiva was recorded in the 12th century history of Ely Abbey, Liber Eliensis; this, if the same as the figure in legend, would make Godiva a widow when Leofric married her. Both Leofric and Godiva were generous benefactors to religious houses. In 1043, Leofric founded and endowed a Benedictine monastery at Coventry[4] on the site of a nunnery destroyed by the Danes in 1016. Writing in the 12th century, Roger of Wendover credits Godiva as the persuasive force behind this act. In the 1050s, her name is coupled with that of her husband on a grant of land to the monastery of St. Mary, Worcester and the endowment of the minster at Stow St Mary, Lincolnshire.[5][6][a] She and her husband are commemorated as benefactors of other monasteries at Leominster, Chester, Much Wenlock, and Evesham.[8] She gave Coventry a number of works in precious metal by the famous goldsmith Mannig and bequeathed a necklace valued at 100 marks of silver.[9] Another necklace went to Evesham, to be hung around the figure of the Virgin Mary accompanying the life-size gold and silver rood she and her husband had donated, and St Paul's Cathedral in the City of London received a gold-fringed chasuble.[10] Both Godiva and her husband were among the most munificent of the several large Anglo-Saxon donors of the last decades before the Norman Conquest; the early Norman bishops made short work of their gifts, carrying them off to Normandy or melting them down for bullion.[11]
The Godiva Procession, a commemoration of the legendary ride, was instituted on 31 May 1678 as part of Coventry fair and was celebrated up to the 1960s. The part of Lady Godiva was usually played by a scantily clad actress or dancer, and the occasion often attracted controversy. For instance, in 1854, the Bishop of Worcester protested against "a Birmingham whore being paraded through the streets as Lady Godiva." These annual processions were enlivened by constant rumours, beforehand, that the girl playing the part of Lady Godiva would actually appear nude, like the original. These hopes were eventually realised in a play staged in 1974, at the Belgrade Theatre, Coventry, entitled The Only True Story of Lady Godiva, in which Lady Godiva appeared naked, riding a motor bike.[36] The celebration has been revived as part of the Godiva Festival.[citation needed]
nude girl with men on rood
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Tennwrltei iennwrites Jennwrlewrites wrle i There li I more merit meri In Foleyi FoleyiHoneyind Yale Yale10n1lnd FoleysllonysndHoneyind 10n1lnd Tar Tlr thin Ihnln In any other cough coughlyrupThe COllh COllhrup coujhsyruplyrupThe syrup rup Tire fie callifor cal cells for It multiply multplr wonder wonderfully wonde wonderrr fully Inlanl and we tell lellore more ol It Ithan httlian than all al other othercough othern otherccuhn cough COUlh Co tyru Irupcombled yfupsconbilIe p combined DeSoto 1eSolo Drug DrugCo DrugCo rulCharles Uroadwiy ro du1 Rouu ROUIlllo Rouistho the late blind blindmillionaire blnd blindvti vt millionaire mlonalre nude lde 5000000 alter aler he lost loithli1 I his light sIghtJJHiva In v the te Lovnl LOl On ODU ODUMu OuiMrs t tMnMn Mary A Vllet Vlel Newcuille Colo Colowrltei Colowrlell Cob Cobwritesj writes wrlell t q I believe bclele lallardi alardl llorehound llorehoundSyrup loreholnd loreholndj htorohoundSyrupSyrup li I superior allpelor to any other cough coughmedicine coulh coughimedicine1 medicine medicne and nd will II do all aUlhall1 that S li claimed claimedfor chllmedlor claimedbrfor It I and It 1 ll to II plciiant plclllni to take IIe My Mylittle Idylittle y yII little Ille girl Cll wind wnt to take It when lIen she hc has haino ha hano hasono o ned for It llallardi 11allrd llorehound llorehoundSyrup Iorehound IorehoundSrrlp liorehoundSxupSyrup li the great at cure for allSrrlp I gr clre al pulmoniry pulmoniryallmenti ruhnonUlIlmenll puhinonryailmentsailments Ilmenll jc c 50C at UeSotoDrugCo UeSotoDrugCoFrank 1eSolo DeSoso Drug Co CoJrank CoFrenkFrank Clark Clak onco of Jtarlow 111101 hen of ofJackionvllle 01Jackonvlels ofJacksonvIlleJackionvllle Jackonvlels li now no running a newspaper anewpallerclle1 newlpaperculled newspapercuhiedculled clle1 the Derrick erlcl at Red Fork IndTy IndTyHo Jnd T TyHo 10 Is niilttcd nllied by Judge Julgo1lon Milton Bryan Uryanformetly Drlanrorme Bryanformerlyformerly rorme of DeLand DeLandDrcidlul 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Jwolem wo woyearsyeirailnce years Inca the City Ch CityIlsp Dlipentary lllelh nUry tint frt call called caled my attention atenton to this valuable vlulble medicine medlclniand medlelnand medicineandand I have repeatedly repeledlued uied It Ilandiha Ilandihaalwllbeen Rand and It ha haalways hasalwaysalways alwllbeen been beneficial bene cW II JI Hai ha a cured cur curtdme curtdmequIckly dme dmeqllckl mi miquicklyquickly ol all al 11 cheat thet colds col If 1 U eipeclallj eipeclalljeffective epeclalieffective eletllvo elTettlvelor fot or children chidrn and leldoin take takemore talli talli10ro sues suesmoremore 10ro than tUI one boltlej bol i to cur csns n them tlem o ohoanencM oj ojhoarene olIsoarsencrihoanencM hoarene 1 have hl persuaded lIelld many ti titry to totrl totrytry Hill Ibl valuable hlble medicine and nd they tlof in1 ui u will w l pleased Ileuod ai l myself mrel orer the llo lie re remill rat rcsuitsmill For inleby II sale byOul byGuht Gull Iharmacy lhsrmacyend 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BItters BIttersneverfaitnever nevedallo neverfait fall to deilroy destroyIheinand them and In cure ma malarlal matlarlAltronblu malanaIlanaI larlAltronblu troubles They wl lur sur4ly ly prevent preventtyphoid prvonttyphoidtyphoid We Welrled tried manytemodlet mln1 m dlu for forMalirta forMalaIa forMalarIaMalarIa MalaIa and Stomach Siomachnd and Liver troubles troubleiwrltei tro troubleswrites bln blnIrlltwrites Irllt J John hChalelon Charleston oMlvetvllle 01 of neylr IbjenHie 0 Obut 0It 0thitbut It never found anything Inyllnlu ai good ai aiElectric al alElectrc kaEieclricElectric Electrc utters Ulen Try them thor Only On Onlyoc OnlyocDcSoto soc socDcSoto 5 51eSotoDcSoto 1eSoto Drug 1ru Co guarantee glunletelclqn glunletelclqnI MlliUctlqn tifactiqn tifactiqnII done rone been heals lehce befo1 free freedom1 freedomiaidtirother dom1 dOIIIld domiaidtirother laid brother Dlcley Ucblen Uickry4en fen no 1001e 1001ehn one onehea oneheshea tried trleterlinchmc trIedtuinch ter lynch me in eyea vei 01ntopo 01ntopoWUI wnrope wnropewus wen tot totwuzwus cheap cheapTwoyeari cbep IA AIuIori VOr1 ls4hIglu ls4hIgluTwoyeara 4 lbt lbtTwoeanlgoTwoyeari Twoeanlgo ago sacresuttol areiult ulol of aievere aieverecold a asevnocold I ro rocoldcold I host my voice yoce olce write wrltea lfIDr Dr DrM 11 M L LBcarbrqugh LScarbroughBcarbrqugh o ofebron ofItckopOflo Hebron Ohio then tel be began beg began >gan g n an Obitlnatt btnat cough coujh tEnttemedy tEnttemedyknown 1Eve Every remedy remedyknown cmedyknownknown to me ai 1 a practicing rrclcln pracIIcIngpfuysIcian pracIIcIngpfuysIcianfor phyilclan phyilclanfor pfllclln pfllcllnforfor 3 3S year IUl ailed lc and ad J dally dAiy i1y grewrworie grewrworiellelng gr gncwwo w wotle wotlecing e ebitingbiting cing urged urgl tq t9try try Dr Url flrKitlNew Kna i New DU DUcovery DIIcoverl Ohscoverycovery for or Coniumptton Cough and andcolji andcol andcoldscolds col I found quick qulc relief relcnd rehieland and forthelait forthelaitten forthela forth last lasttenten Jays a1 have felt lel better thhti IIn for two twoyean two7efIIolllnl twoyearsyean 7efIIolllnl Poittlvely guaranteed ualnleed for or Thrqal Thrqaland Tbr Tbirpatand a aandand Lung Lunl trOubles tr blel by bin bfD4St DtSoto Sl Drug prpBCo prpBCo50C Co Co5ocandi Co5oc50C 5ocandi Indh o Trial TI boitlci loUldI loUldIT fteC fteCThe tee teeThe lar larrhoei lirrhoushoes Remedy when my m ann was aa luDep luDepIng luanIng sutT sutTIngIng with wlb severe evul crampiand crnlpl and wn lalten glven up upat upaat a beyond eofldliOpe ridpe l lle by tt bjmyrCgd1phyaiCian bjmyrCgd1phyaiCianwho my frl who lUndi tndl high hllhlihlptllon In hit hlsprbfeisbon profenlon Alter Alternilmlnliltrlnjj Attradmbnisteningthree I r raimlnllelnBtlreaimlnllelnBtlre admbnisteningthree nilmlnliltrlnjj three doses doe of II my ton tonregilned sonregained on onreganedregained reganed consciousness condoulnes ahd recovered r ovred en entirely entlrelwlhlntwenlIClr ohtirely tirely tlrelwlhlntwenlIClr within twentylour hours bOUr1 tayi tayiMriMary uysMrs I INuMriMary Nu Na Mary lltllerol haIler or MtCrawford Mt Crawford Va VaTlili V VTis yeThuTis Tlili Remedy Rem dyl I Is for tale by b byGuif Gull Gulllama Gulllamacy Iharma Iharmacy cy and DeSoto Drug Dru Co CoGood CoDu CoGoodGood Du to for or RheumatIsm BhcuuitUmLaitfill abeU abeULlllll RheumatIsmLastLaitfill Llllll Last fall I wai utakn ntaken taken with lb a levere alnee leveretatk It Ittuk attacktack of niUKuUrrheumitlim muculr rbelmaJhm which ch COOs cauied U COOsed UI UIcded me megreat great Iret piln 1ln psinifid and aid annoyance annoanc After Aftertrying Aler Alertrlntlleral Altertryingtrying trlntlleral several prescription Irecrlpton and rheu rheumatic rheuPaUc rhcusnatlc matic PaUc curei curcl curd I decided decdedouc decldcdtO to1 uiejChamber uiejChamberlalnaPain ui Chmber Chmberlalnalam ChirnberlainaPainlalnaPain lialm lllm Ilalmtehichi which I h i4 4 leen Ie n ad adverified Idmiledlnh adverifeed >verified miledlnh Injth South SO I Jtrieyman Jerma j naeyma Alter Altertwo AftIrtwo ter tertwotwo applications pelcatron ofthlt or Illl Iha Reroed1 Remeil Remedy I was waimuch WImucb wasmuchmuch better beller andafxeriubcone andllle and afwrushigon l coa bottle bottfewai hufel hufelwal bottlewaswas compUtely con1ltcl1 nired ciredSatile Sallle Hurl HarrliSalem Hurl1alem HarrisSalemSalem 1alem N J Foriaie For sale by byOullbarnllc byOullbarnllcaldOc50to Gulf Iharmacy IharmacyandaldOc50to and UcSolo Drug CoOrillmintoNo 4 Ilr IlrIlhl U UH 144 1443thitlIlhl 3thitl H lltl loCn 10 Cnltlory Cnvlery ety etyIl IIl 155 > li orlilntJ > j 11 lln Conntll Cnnll tt th the town townJunts uj111lunl Junts lords otd Moill MoillTh IioIIrbI1011011 1011011hTh rbI t ill c nemu7 mit ijr Ion lot lit b i 1hl lJ for In etili aS aSIi l litlolg 1eIIitlolg Ii h iili 1 r > ltiiiul cli 11 luin uir net rulu elvsd I forrnifterj forrnifterjlotib forrurtrl forrurtrliotaeII UIIIIu ftiml lo b be cilltd tin tinctmelti II IIcCineItijlotib 101 iota b be put In titpitiu a up UDutts uld Ictmelti cmol11 fundirnl fund1 sul 11luld telS lil runa to UuitUfoionv UuitUfoionvW b buul uorce ttcim ttcimtiy10 tiy rIelallorIleineaa W putposs putpossrIelallorIleineaa tlfofi1fi orlnnlll nM In I conflict rn lcl with lh tin II pro poI pro5 pro5idol lf lflilnilitfiofirthnot icpttUil 5 5I 5sluililnilitfiofirt idol dn at epI IIliiiiJ In Miilaii 1 slui ollhi tills lit I J dyol diy r of OrloUf Orlobe A > t tIy J fl flvu n >Iy I vu I II lluutt l tsftIlonf tlil nt C Cunci Council CouncilAtteit un ll llAllotIAllot AIII I W V II I ll lliils lliilsI 0 i i A C Ilumo r V i iKK I Cluk Ik M Maven MJorOUun MavenOdhruunteTlo ro roAnOUun OdhruunteTlo No 110 110n 0 0nAn n Of Odlnnc Jlninet fol rolh Ik Iloliaina luldlnl of t Bldjwjlk Bldjwjlkon 8Idwlk 8Idwlkonon Oil lb Is Wt Wil Wait t or 0 jiuthwiit uthwttthlC ld 10 of Ulhn ItiivM BUMl BUMllldwuri Iln1 Iln1IIplod htrIliIwnlldwuri SieSta U H IIplod ltnilt ol snl nilM Marlin > ilin AMHUI AMHUInll iVIflhIp uuo uuonnll n I Ii orJilntdlr ardalnd b by ih hi Countllcf COunci Coull ol I lut II IL town 101 of of6i Ct CtP ci cipeniskidi VlodJi VlodJilhaIP penislhaI 8 lbs owntut l anSI IJ tol lots 0 or parts uf all alllotioulotiou Ih Clii 1 oortbeSI eld o fbock bluck tu tuI 5llI 5llIInlouon dlncl dlnclId lIrcsrl lIrcsrlUIn 5I said lon u ore hcbT hiby otJISJ ad endId I U h build Iud and eonncl a Idwulk otwuoduh m m111ll foe foecriescries noli not liii thee lOll t1 wldi 10 51001 Ion anl anloen d dou6i ou 111ll w waiklyiug lkl liiK lonK Ionnd end nd adJolo adjolalogIbu d olnln niib lh ijldlolf uhllo uhllop taut IOI er erMrnotlor crpartsMrnotlor p parts walkllll ollol of lot th Iho thur PI me Mfiiill sOsll7 fll o ow n auth tlth ildj ildjln IiJC IiJCwIks 14 14Iksoil soilSn DIwIks Ik bsIIbi b coiItaetid ot gcl ollll1 niitirielh1 COOCI1 iillk manmianJirih 1 an andot Ih Jlt Jltlen dirS dirSlionln a i guodwOtkfI5Ifliki odworkin woknlk nOnl niurni dlc dlclon1110 of the lb gsnisl iniril sepslnIfldtt sepslnIfldtts5tlciiinllielion len ilod dconliol cnol aII tawiMttfnl tawiMttfnlndiUfiKODim UPllntndnandlon and ndiUfiKODim s5tlciiinllie 10 1 eOInhl il slid nJ 10 shall hi bibulll b hi buil huSh sod nJ nn nnrA3 h hIhd tIelahititOrA3 Ihd lahititO en 0 61 trors 3or Ih h Hit of Jumeonlng JumeonlngIdudbr JunldulnlIdudbr 55554 b by Itolh Donne Vunc Cuorril Iilireli llheh 4 41901 41901John lank lankJohn 9John C r Isppiv PP rlfeiW l Idnl Mof of I Coincll CoincllApprondA CoencilApproved olnclCIpo ApprondA App Approved I A CIM C EsiaulM570 EsiaulM570W iiM 7or 7orAllAll ll wiilUi WIlud W illlsda l Town Iow Ultra UltraUralintnr II IIolln isOriuisuurUralintnr olln No lu IT ITAnOrJImncJ UAa aiAnAnOrJImncJ Aa OrdlaacJ Caneelatlng Ccclllnr Bellnqneat BellnqneatTtJM Dolnqueat DolnqueatTUII DetinquestTieTie TtJMUerda TUII Tiele11011 le II Dr1blody onilained by Ibo Cuael Couscil 01 Ihe town townat townofat Punts UordsFIorIda UordsFIorIdaThat ordi r lorldaThat for and nd 10 couusldorstiou or Isaac U IfICabu I I1tlluCOlllderlloaICabu 1 coanlnllhe conveyirg the la tact half of blok block j 5O 5Ofor1tllu ro for I clair tacl faclor 110 also for empl01lnK empbojlugWoIles empbojlugWoIlestoto build tb ISiS elea cIgar racwr factory onlb onubq said Id bloc blocI blonk blonkWIWI hiorsbi onb emlt huh eaacel al Mi 01 Ih the bac baclu bacs bacsSf5500rmllnI Punts rualorda PuntsUordalu Sf5500 On Isasol1IabuiProPrl1 IUO I ll1 poprl InUerda orda lylnit west we o 01 Bhreve thro street mollll and situ also aliowtitof alsowestwtitof west of 111al the Ibownblp townihlplln township Inl line on the be wit Ildo tide of ofthe orIbe ofthethe 0 south IUlh of the south half ballot of Mctlon Iclloa twelve twelvetwowoiblp twolr cclvitwownshiptwowoiblp fortyonttouthof lortone orlloaoloull south of rang twentyt twentyttwo twenL twenLtwotwo 110 tint east5 thence to the to tIi w waters llo t n raDI of Charlotte CharlotteUAr Cbalola Cbalolanabr CharlotteHarborHarborUAr nabr nabrAU AU ofdlnancei ordlnanceln ordinances In conflict cOlflcl with tbt proilM proilMIon prollon provbiionsIon lon ions hereof are ar r Ipuled IpuledJa1 tepealedreared p aled aledItiwdreared Ja1 by Council Counellli tlili 11uS Utiiy 1111 tat 7 of October OctoberAlIWl Octbr Octbr1VIO OctoberAAlIWl AlIWlII A B IWI IWII1VIO II I 1 biasselt nielli br IreiMtnt JIMoa Council OoimcllAtlet VOlocl CouncilAttCtlI Atlet AttCtl ael WU W Dladc B h1anulceIown anlee Town o1a Clerk ClerkApproved Olrk OlrkApproyl ClerkApprovedAlttllU 1iOnlliiance UUrllIlloe UrdliusueeApproved Approyl AOKr A U 3 enuniltyor jremoJorOnlliiance UrllIlloe No No13 No13Aa U3i U3iAn 153AnAn Ordinance In Delation 11on of Xtcpln Open OpenHiorei Opl OpentftoresHiorei Ioro cu cu bundty bundtyHeltordilnedbthiOouncllof buadllIIn hundsjIlsilordalnedHeltordilnedbthiOouncllof IIn Ilsilordalned ordaned bl btbuiOuuncllot th Ouael ot the town townoflunUUiirJi townollunIIOurdoflunUUiirJi 01 Punts Uurds lands KlorlJiTnat J i lold loldThll landsThatThat whoever bo keep open opoottoroor store or Alipowi Alipowiof dlpOof any au ware Ial catrebindlit lerebudl 10 goods oodi or chattels ehitlcliIn ebalell ebalelloror sells UI or harlots anor Slip Iml sims 01 on tlOda bluudq wIth wIthInIn the corporate limits of the town In of 0 runta runtaWMmw Juolaordlbal Iunt4UordasballUordasball ordlbal crprlelhol b be punlbed punlsheabjaflnsnol b a eololCtd eololCtdlal exesel exeselluInKtwinlyflredollin lal lu Illaln Iwintyflvo dola dollars 1 1oy I In WMmw CIIlerjoo cases of emergesoy 0 or necessity however merchant mrehot or mop mopkteneriind suuopkeeperS 10P 10Pklperoudkteneriind klperoud keeperS Stiul oilier olbe may m dl dlllof dhaposi ow of the ecu ecufortitnd eo eottorts Ifortitnd forl torts and nectuutei neurl of life to 0 custOmers cuitoinerwithout eulomerlllloUloln custOmerswithoutwithout open door doorAll dor dorAl doorAllllloUloln All Al ordInances orliniacoln In conflict cDDle with tb lbs prod protliloni prl prl10D prodIonsIons 10D hereof horer are Ir r rptle riposted ripostedIsstd pe lcJ lcJItiMdItiMd b by Council Cuncllbl tbli his lit day of October Ololr OlolrA OctoberA1JA A1J D ikUl1 D ilaneti I laisett 101 tl f IteiMent Jrealonl Council CouncilAtteiti Cunci CouscilAttostIAtteiti Alol Wi W U I llardeefown UIllo fown ClerK CliroApprored Clerl ClerKApprovedApproved A 0 3 Kreemair JrOlll reemsur Mayor 111or U UOrdlnitnt 1 1Ordlnre UrdlnsiniOrdlnitnt No HI 19 19An nAn 31AnAn Ordlntneo to IroUblt 10Jrolbl IbllllurbnCe thu hi Disturbance of ofHull 01tul ofHullHull tul In bireoti Hlroolllr or Allijt AllijtlltltordtlueJbylheCwuuUluf Al AIt jlltltordtlueJbylheCwuuUluf I 13 h ordaine ordained 1 b tl lbs Cuutl Ciuutl of r the lb town townof towno townofof o iunla 1lnll Curds Uurll t fuorid fuoridThat iorld iorldThat lorilThat II ilitll bll bo b uimwlul uUlwlul for tu any 01 person perionor Ienolor 0 perioai tu dlif dil pluw uw ur In Si alt aiuy y intuutr intuutriwvwnmmwmfmMmtrFr mallr mallrdllurh matuistdisturbdisturb lb tl suIt or r trlh auth 01 cc soy 1 ul I the Ireoll strvelialleys IreollallllkiwvwnmmwmfmMmtrFr iwvwnmmwmfmMmtrFrot allllk alleys larkS ur puhlo putilto Irull gtuuuidi or said Id 10WI town townOSot like lak and aul carry el twi IW away soy u uf I inch Icl urth rl or ortoll orul orsIltoll ul without wlbuul a p permit rmlt f tun ruin rum Hi lie Street Ilree cam cammlttee COlOmutesmutes Any Aa nerwu or ixtriom who ihill ihailvi vialMa ola this Ib I KUIIIJ KUIIIJolol a oilideintiuor olldeltlor and luolbal shall on conviction convictionu eOulclonu b be flneJ tle net 11 leittnin leu Ihln five fr nor more rnor thin Iba Aftj Aftjdollar tt Itlt Itltdollarsdollar dol or bo b luiprlioutil IUlprloool not nulmoleilan notmore mote than Hit Hitn shztdsvsdlor dsvs or n l blb both tlh Illbo at at inn the dlereUOu llfr tlAli nt 01 Ihfl the maIM maIMAIorolallclu tnlvnr tnlvnrloniAIorolallclu Aihordlnsucis In canc cnfllcl wills Ibo Jrovl provi proviIonsIons Direof beef are ae repealed repealed1iutd rpelel repealedlasssd1iutd by 11 Council Culcl thli Ih thu lit 1 diy of October OetoborA Ocotr OcotrA OctoberAUA AU 1 BIOS WOlIIII PilOl PilOlO uiiiett 1sssott olreldo IreilJiat Council CounellAtteit Cunci CouncilAflsIAtteit Allel W WD V 11 iL HirJee ladce Town Clerk ClerkApprovid Clokt ClerkJspproYsdApprovid Approfd A U Frteuiin Fremau Mayor 1J 1JOfdlnaiico 1 1Ordlllle i4 i4rdluusCeOfdlnaiico Ordlllle No DO DOAn 16 16Al 10AnAn Al Ordinance Ordlulceln In nelitlon to lUicculluu lUicculluuance Jcoutnu JcoutnuIUCO iscoutlnualicealice of oIClrllllluk oIClrlllllukDII Cirlilu 1iiiki 1iiikiIleltorililncdbrtheCoua LurkelieIleltorililncdbrtheCoua DII lie it ordaine ordlned b the tuua tjountli ll l of the th taw tawof tOl loweofof olluala Punts Uorda ordi bi Jlorldt JlorldtThat 1Iorlda 1Iorldab hIorldThatThat b the lb park jigs III lituunlirkln llmln llrkl la fron fronot Ionl Ionlot froniofot block blok ID 101 Alice AllceVsrkhiitrontoi lrelIlnhoool Iuik In front ot block ulotc Idock K KMauil HI b4MmtMauil Park In II from of block llllk 1S I Draw Draw1ark Ilolu Ilolulak itreep itreeplarklark lak lo luronl front of block bCk 17 I and lul Judtlle Judellllk lark 1arkIn larkinIn front lralor frontal of block ai Ijlnu 1101 wed Wtl of ufHhrno Hhnve it itand Itad itandand ad between Itttta 111 KiiUniJund XIIlld Id the water wateret wltmCblloUeblwoaet 1 Chirlottt CblloUe Harbor lror ir sri hortlij ber11 dlicontlnueO dlicontlnueOThli dlanlluod dlanlluodTblill dlscontluudThIsThIs Tblill li I act inunJedtolntirlere tnianded 10 lolrlere Inlirlone with wih an anIlllCtilon anI anlItigatIonIlllCtilon 111110010 now ttuUlnir louUllj or hereafter berillrwilb berillrwilbhln wit witlitiall with withlassoother litiall hln lasso parks parktAllordluinceiln Pil parksAlt I HTsae Tit JI io luuclilnif luucbut th li the tItles IU la an another aaotber auotherAllordluinceiln Al Alt ordinanc ordinances 10 ccnfllei cenfllelishb llh lb tbe IhoroI th yrovti yrovtiloni provitonstons htreot blef arc ar repealed repealedFtutd repealedPassedPassed 1d by be Council Couacllbil rllle this lit li diy of October OctoberA Odobr OdobrADUOIA ADUOI DI Di9Q Di9QIi 180111 lliuelt PresIdent luleal Council CouncilAtleitl Cunci CouncilAtteatiDlell Atleitl AIItl W II Dnane llardeeTown TOIn Clerk ClerkApproved Clek ClekApproTd ClerkApprovedApproved ApproTd A U Freeman FrOPII Mayor 14 14Ordinance J JOrdlaUCf UOrdlnaucOrdinance OrdlaUCf No O 80 80An DBAl mlAuAn Al pdloiiu O Ordluusueslit IUtl l Itititlon Ihllln lo 1 Mini harvey Perk In InuiilniUwpioTiniintindUrinllni isuiilniUwpioTiniintindUrinllni lice ant niovsutint0and UnenlingMlpiii tlIpaleuiWhisss IpI Hlnbli HlnbliWhieni Illbl IllblhlWhieni hl the council cuuel of Ihi Ih hi town low I of fund luD cuts cutsordsPiorldeOordiflorldi il iprifloui C pnloU mutlni setIii fpolultJ ippoluteda fpolultJleommllKtloconfirwIthleommllKtloconfirwIth a ComunIttielo cntI renter wllh wills Illicit h lsi I It Tribal Tbl sod dl 11 isuy rfj W Me McAdoW McAdow AJow In rilillnnto relatIon 11n 10 Ihiun tho th in occu occutillonind ocr ocrpstlonant c c10n lor tary rlmllo commIttee to b hi Ih um C clisned Ir lad ap soil n npikept liplrliin pi r iloin tad 1 shall 1 lend nd 4 billot bil bill cit C thi lb COM rl lp tad tadlipinitfur Dd puhle puhhIuui ulil Icon mil lol Ira lriunliiilhioffnir Ir Irahl >rfI1 hl sd n41 hi salul Id uwne uwulaf Ot i nwir abut h1 tl 11 n ngIfel Sort or oust rt sun 10 dolah1 do Ii ililt blh luitlus dUlY ot tho thoCutlio liiiCssrilioCutlio Cssrilio pulsed hipthii PII lUl seae II lut upsir Irnd Irndownu end endurilasaihuiunliiilhioffnir urilasaihui ownu own llull f1 pmnipllr pdm ll pir p tuch Irh audi coil coilind costsdind nd iitHtiin Ill lnK lI4OdoIugIhs idulalb > dulaillii iowl low owm ufTiiuli ur 111 ho hodi rol lori loridiihillhittillinpnlht 0 0ddiihillhittillinpnlht d di shill h I I a 1n iSis on Ih 51e adjicinl lot or ci loll lOl lot lotblockblock blo or blocks Muh for foraeh a inch rhifost1 ctitr rot aunt 4 tipinl pn i lu bi binfnrc b bnlnrll I InfuuiceInfnrc nlnrll nfuuiceI l Inlh iii Ibln the nm nunnir anr fti i U I proiUidln proiUidlnIhi pcuivlJd lui luiits nildiwillu its 11 1IwI ordlnldct lnc io colUctlnK rlhctlnl Costa of biilUIni biilUIniildiwillu bulln tuillhirgsIIashhj6 6 If 1 mjrowntr ur 00 owner of otulur loll cr blotki blo or pirli p purl ofloll lol diblocki or bl ihill hll huall fillnil 1Inllor IIlnsgIui rerrtfuii cc utOI refuse lo con conilfucund co cosired11 11torllndsired ilfucund torllnd Suit bullJo buid build 0 oc knplu ip p I lii ripilr mr u uiy ildiwilk ildiwilkthllilldir IdwlkIhl idwalkthuslthllilldir Ihl thusl tfl llilionlliiiHctlitbr 1 ill Orliiasc list lh ihuiy y ihillbtri ihillbtrii Shell ht b bqIIJo be beiitd0 rlluhi qIIJo ilulMd la bull bulhdurtupsl lU J or r rp l > J > l i hf hflhr hi th atui ol Ih they iblll blll bl blUiiinia b btn bihsuiIguhltynfUiiinia ihsuiIguhltynf tn lulllfbf llyht a niUdiftiiinarindtincaii nbdmunoan nilstwno nl ctuuilr ctuuilrhan c ctn1101 han ituall tn bll if nl4 0usd j Ii any 1uI asun iiu lollm 01 au IK Ih1 thu eoltlc I n on oniliiiJcominlldiotbi Lu Lu11f le10 11f mllt lull 1151 n1 1lviilohhe dolo I Ie sd itsy tue shu shulh7 0 0IhbilIhbil lh7 ihelibe cuhlIr of aath h nsglfl 01 c suit tuaih tuaihilauililiiiJcominlldiotbi ilauil ta coninhtld lmlud ulll 101hlaUI toll Jillot Ihuon hue nl h Din 1 huh titd od coils ire o pilil not II Holding leudln tlitf tlitfilii IIdays and shill b1 bt b Iliblt 111 fur is ill 1 lamilhi Imllh linus ih town townmijr Iowam lows511i7mijr m lu b lo us plv loin 10 suy u pun 1500 or 0 piriunivrho piriunivrhomirbi peun pigeon who whonaytisiajuiedbyresusuf ho hobmirbi naytisiajuiedbyresusuf b iltirfdpirriirvKof lrd r lt int iy dict In lutb lutbildiwilk uueb uuebhJelhildiwilk mil nI which lcr I It lby htr ihillcullicl chill bTl colcl cohluct of ami amifrom enSion n1 n1fomfrom ion Mid 1 ld lawn lawnJolin01 low lowJUhnO tiwuiJul11Jolin01 JUhnO Jul11 U Pepper PPJt p Vn losijst ldiiilof 101 ot ilnOuuntll ilnOuuntllUipartment 11 II Uln Juinel II III I IlI lull l W DJ Il luu fluid 1icrl Icrk Icrkpproudpproud A CIronIO c vreamiui llayov llayov7oIce n njj 7oIce Oll for prlblolo prlbloloVparmeut liublleIoo liublleIoolspartmentUipartment Vparmeut of the Interior lalllolLind t ld Office at a Ualniivllle alnle XlorlJi XlorlJiMarch Jlorl FluridshsrcbMarch arb M im Iw IwNolco IWJNotIce t INotice Nolco U I hereby reb given IIalb thit Ibo following followinjnamed 1010 followingnamed ln lnfenamed littler ller hu tiled I10nolco notice of hit huh mien lotentlon lalenloa mientlontlon loa fe to II make flnil 111 proof prof uroof In Support of lilt liltclaim hi hielolm hulaclaimclaim and ladll14 huh suit proof prr trill t te l111 uppr mail saute before UfurtN ur urNnN Nn 11 J iCoiter JhCot > r U H t temmliiloai lmllulone at luu luuIa luuiiIa ii lords Florlia Jotl lon on May15 rlI IwPJ J Tlal Frank FrankU rinkU Patterson of IroviCiti Florhis homestead l iIcJI VU l or r the Ie lot lots t U 7 tecUon lon 18 18tovmi 1 lvluiwitiluiptovmi lowlubp luiwitiluip lp4tBIla 41 t S 1 8 1 > K lUnimM le Si aB nenuei Ibt Ih fol followlnf followln totlowinglowing lowln wllneiiii to prove prOTI bl nil eontlonoui conf0lol1 rei reiIdenct ruIlee reslIeceIdenct Ilee upon and culllritloo eulllou of olld iilil Saul Inl vli Sz SzCluarleyT I IUliarleyTUliarleyT lPI Johnion JOhl1I11 of Urove UrY City CI Klotlda KlotldarhoroatO Iollal FlonllsherbertHebrt herbert Vrj Veenvs5 01 oi OroT Stove Oi CIty VIOIla VIOIlabola Ylonita YlonitaThonuasC3rhoroatO bola O Hamilton Ua lqn of Koilewooa lallowo Kli KliMUTIUH kla la1Jo Joe VLeo C Leac of Yrlloloorld Yrlloloorld1HI Euiglewood FhoniJs1HI 1210 WO10DltONleIler WO10DltONleIlerlOTJtR ItOIhINhIUN RegIster RegIsterTOOTIUJ4lOTJtR MUTIUH Or OJLttWH OJLttWHWbrultb KLKCTIOK KLKCTIOKWliereal ltIdhrrIPfWhereaSWhereaS Wbrultb It hit beEn 0 wade Ilte t to o appe appear br brnotlct b bnolc bynoticenotice nolc from rrOG coin the bo towncoanell tWI town eOloellhUber conCii thauhert that there are aretwovieinele aremwoyscincles re reQIanelutwovieinele QIanelu In tb the bl town lonculcl towacouncil council of ollbelolq ollbelolqof ttotowa ttotowaofof iunla 1a Cords l halide U to county FlorId KlorlJiT FlorIduHomn Yhonlitathereforel l tunlltherefore 1s A uHomn e Freeman mor major ofla oflaIln of atJ atJlewIsIln lewIs of I qal ante Qordl bl virtue of authorlly authorllyvesiU uthorlT vesiU elllloP it l In mo Jo ti serety r l call 11 i itleUlon ad and oiir orler a aIe alt altelectIonelectIon Ie on to t W W lucId dolrbl In the tbld tald town of 1Unta 1UntaOofd l luntaiodaonTusnday olOofd iodaonTusnday on Tueida4 tlOc the tlllih tbS11lhsdayot IBIh dav ta of MIJ 1 A ADI ADDI PI D 1WJ In aceorilinee accrdoo with wlh the ordloineei ordloineeim otittuiericiemissilem Blda missile Jo llJ and provided pfldtd for lorlh the purpose of elect tleelInj eUclInl electloglog ona couqclltnin aoulclma to All 11 tbe untiplred tirm tirmof lem term termofof J 0 7 Pepper rOIClo reilcned anil aul on l0 one council councilman culelman a to Alt fll tho ilu ntniplrid tlupird tern leD term of 7 1 r Cor CorItaeiaVayband Cr Crbll or orboltbolt reilgued reilgueditnosbll Wlo ItaeiaVayband itnos rlau rlauWlo In by b lsnI ni aii Ad seal e1 O otf thli tM fuii the h ePih ePihday tills Olhda tillsdayday da of OfAprla ofAprilA April U Ull I Ild 1jo3 b b1ldld 14 10 AI A L rURR flUCFUAN RKlANror RKlANrorrune ANr Major Majorror MajorVowVow rune O Deer t Hilly BUtI weart weartforo VbasLMrilnWllw Mr Whlee Soothlr t3oothlr 81Np his bcii a alor said saidforforo lor for ou on irililrT slsl 7 yassi ii by jr llloni 111lon of moilnri olbl fo foIhilrthlldnnwhlltlMlb tec teclhhrIhilrthlldnnwhlltlMlb Ihlrbldn lhhr hhlJil wbl whil 1lh Iealblsg UgXlik DIh wlub pifficl prc sue intnil sueS a aIbcdnil S It loolbii Ihtellld itfltnithtfiBii itfltnithtfiBiiili ofmen fllI lb gemsili 1171 l ill llpilnc pln icr r lwlnd whit Ind totie elleindli 11 and nd I Ii Ihi Ih but butrtraidr butmsJyrtraidr 1 msJy oi fordliirbot Ceo dllbO dheliboiS llwfll I II wilt JI rlllv rll rails this th poor pojlllliuf 11111 UIaI 0 asCrr r r Inmtdlitilf mdll Sold Sld lJ bjr diu dub dubI diugghliIn liti litiSoolklbfIn ivaiyparl n otitie woild weutj11ccnt a aII abotulabotula I II Ui rtlhorl iur to 0 isk pk rgr ru Tt allrnu I I Wlalo Wisulows WisulowsgocituhmigSoolklbf 10111 I 6jt r t Ild aid a Uk Ik takp no I outfi outfiTry eil eilr1Chlbcl otburryTry r1Chlbcl ChamberlaIns ln Stomach and a Liver HverTablet L LiverTablet vr vrTabltlTablet v theVM Jhi he iesl eJ physic p YIICI For Ior tale by bylillhirmae b bI bytilllillhirmae till I 1 llsstna 11r y ypu > HIifleSoto I 09010 es oto Jrug prlg Co CoCecil CoCecl CoCecilCecil Cecl Rhode o 1 wMwoth was Iw wppthi lh Boooooo BooooooHeHe livedto leab91149na be about 49ycari old but buthere bulthe buttherehere the h Is inu nu dpubHohlm dOIbUo doubt o hi hllq ltteemdnearer ltteemdnearera luem its cunednesrer cunednesrera d nrar nraraa cenfury clnlur than nl lmanit 1 A half ptJltantjr Plt PltJtul pt pUttCleanlyCleanly Jtul anil nilllr nllreali nllrealiAreelabhY6iI trmi1lIa trmi1lIaAre nglli nglliAreAre AreelabhY6iI aeilrableVYbiiarOitrbn r trdnj and nhle nhleoroul vlg vlgoroui vigorousoroui whets herJotfllood your blood llpllrt 11ur is pure Miny Minyhar rUrr rUrrhay Minynayhay moit rwiomen duostwoinens women fill hltIprreH1 16 propeffy dl dlfteit dlKulhelf dlfestfteit Kulhelf their foodend r food and 10 0 become becolo Pl pile sati ll9v ll9vtliln 119 119thin w wIlul75 ste > been labor laboIng labortogtog InluJdct Ob under the Ii thit2 Impreiilod Impf oD thathavent thathaventM that he weDt weDtI vcuut vcuutwiM Tlmeg m I feather tttle duller1Wotblngton duller1WotblngtonTlmeg duller Luck tntkI LI1I am a firm r believer bJeTer in lalu luck k Why WhyRome Wb WbImepflle VhysomeRome Imepflle people are M 1 unlucky qnlucktbat that were weretbey wer veretheythey tbe to totmnltiadmard travel backwarll they tbe1oul would wouldatnb wouldstubstub their toeSan toSan 6raticl lntclCDIUtUn lntclCDIUtUnOld itnhiclsCo co BulletIn BolletlnOld BulletInOldOld axe Se make makC4w a cpecllty 14It pf dl dllc discor discorering cov coverlngerlng rnrllt loai Ioa bpportunftles1 Chicago CblcagoNeWf Cblcro CblcroNa ChicagoNewvNeWf NeWfFollys Na NewvFoleys oppuDlluNaFolFol Follys sKidneyCur Kidney Cure Cureklgacyi8 k klgacyi SR Wr Magic rM eI15 IlI >wAFFIANCED AFFIANCEDSTST LOUIS LOUISBy J JD1By Ruth KlrabMI Gardiner GardinerPopyrlght GardinetUosurightRut Kmht Guloer GuloerporlrbPopyrlght porlrb too too lir lirIluth I I IItuthIluth Klmball Imb1 a Jetliner GrdnnSh Jetlinerduos dlnt dlntSlioiduos Sh a going north Tuoidny Tueda elt anld anldEllinoru aW aWEllmoroEllmoro fll r Vou will vI do t It I wont you youJ 10uac youIIJ ac ck ckIIU >acl IIU l II ho halt t withdraw wltMr w bis hs gore gaE from th thdanclnir tbIIclll tiul tiuldauicliigdanclnir IIclll waters wAter of IIIloil 1Ioxi boy bayitopQso nl nlropoaoitopQso propone ropoao to her h r for you rour J ho asked nikedYoirfcuW nlke1 askedYOUdoWYoirfcuW Y Uk oV I n1 doht dohtwnzut twnl wnht you ou to dd ddthitt de dothtldElltnorothitt tbtIldElwore thtldElltnoro Bdia ISIIuiorc I wont you OU just Juitto JUIIto justtoto put pu In n IT n food o word forme for me clue Bhothinks Blo Blotllnl cluetlulnlusthinks tllnl V n lot 6f it t your 10ltoplllon opinion Id 1ddo 1ddomuch do dotl doeltl much for you It there wna ie tho re retdotcaf reoot retdottdotcaf tdot ot a t chance banc of your ever wantIng wnntlngid wnntnl1i wnntnl1itid t marry mlrrT Hero ler she ho come now IOW Im Imoff Imoff I Ioloff offPrlRcllIrt olPrlRcllIrt Irl cln cnme cnln out Into tho glare on onthe oaIbo ontimthe gallery Illel In time lmo to le see Kllmoro 1lloro dl dlflppoar dlPIlau dis disaploerflppoar down dowl the magnolialined tlKlolnllod magnolia hued nvo nvouUo nvoIO aveIiuUo IO Ii 0uUoBob 0Bobs Bob Bobs going loln8 over ovr tho bayou balol with wih the thedfctor Ihed thedctordfctor d tor to look lok nt l that maro of Btuarli BtuarliIm 81uartlIm StuartsImIm thinking tblniln of buying Jllug ah sold ald Beymoiir BeymoiirBhod Helolr HelolrIShold HehlsOtlrtuodBhod tuod makrf Junke a flue no mount II0llt for you K Ky6u I IfyOUyOU were ere going Bollg to tiny tny It 11 will b blonely be belonely teret teretIYu ether ciiurOb etherOh ar arPhOb said ald the tb4ulr1 tbogll girl Idly tracing tracllg with wltboho wlb wlbo withottooho o o finger fnJer tbo name lame on 01 tbe polished polishedold Iolihod IolihodoM Polishedoldold bras broi doorplate doorlale the point lnt of a aJoko aJ ajokoJoko J ko I heard heonlat lat week ha ba has Justoccur Justoccurred jUltOUf Juztoccurrcdtored tto rcdto to me me in Do7ouknow D Doiyquknowsnd Qukuowand and abe alo abegnd re reghrded f fIlmlghrded Ilml blm hlmcrt birncrltlcahly critically ll you are ar a moat moatremarUaVIo Ioal Ioalr tnoa tnoaremarkatioremarUaVIo r lakDlo person pnonl Quo uo moment 10moht you youremind yourmild youremindremind rmild mo of aplato plato gins Kia window windowand whilow whilowlid wihudowfludand lid the tl next lext youru OUN like Ikoarmor likearmor armor plate plateDid piRieDd plateDIdDid Dd anybody aUlbrevrtol dyer toll yOu u that tlat about aboutyouraelf aboutyourself boul10uneltyourself before btore btoreNo berorer berorerNo r rNo No No saId II Seymour Stllour and Ald I dont dontknow 101t 101tklow dontknowknow klow the leant lea t bit bltwbat10u wbatyou incas mcaarrl6llla lUCRIrr incasVr1slIlaWith Wih rrl6llla rr lutcrbii lutcrbiiWhat luters lutesdatWhat li WI was studying i dllJ tbo doorplate doorplateWith doorplateWIth orlate orlateWihWhat WhAtunuy funny old letters letm the sb said laldJohl saidMejotusi ald aldMJohiiMJohii Johl A I Seymour Bey Seyriiouryour tourJOUf your name famo and andyoW Andrn coOyouvyoW rn fathers athtrI and nd your yoir grandfathers grandfatherslie rrandttberlie le lb ffn was D wy 11 atepgreatgrandfather atepgreatgrandfatherwasnt 1IepgratirandCater 1IepgratirandCaterIItwasnt IIt he It doesnt dOal make u uIrall uIrallklu us really reallyklu reallykInklu nt all Al What What doca dOI tie te A stand standforr atancitorY IAqdorYtorY forrAlntwortb orYtorYAihhsworthAlntwortb Ahworb answered alwore Seymour Seymour0b SeymourOIIr0b OIIr br said al Frlaclllo rrtcln 1 Itboubl thought tbonghe1Aud thoughtAndAud abe Ibobelhtl ahojzeltateda bealtatcd a faint flush fulb warm warmIng warmlag arIng tboman91 thcrnagn9ila tbo magnolia pallor pliorot of ber face faceWhat tacoWhAt faceyhustWhat did you 10 think It stood 110 forr forrbeaiked Corrbe foerbebeaiked beaikedSomething be akt asked askedSomethingSomething Sm tblub81Iel beside ralicklof tlicblot shone bolo In Inlie II InWuelie Ie grl rlrlIIe rlrlIIeI gtnlMeyeL 1 I tbought tb aabt abe abolllowlJ abolllowlJthouibt Mid slowly slowlythought slowlythoughtthought possibly plblt It might mlilt stand for forAWen torAlden forAldenAlden AWenOh Alden AldenQtfor Oh Alnaworth AlnaworthIt AIDlwortbI b not nl said alI Seymour It I stands standsfor alAnl alAnltor standsfora e I IItIt I was Wi Tuesday Tuesa evening enD II Beymour Beymourstood BFICur Syyuncaurhtoodstood 110 on ouho iho platform platCorl of tbo railway railwaystation riwaystation ttolwalchlnr watching tho tights 1lt of tt tbe tbenortbbound tbeborUlbund theflorthboundnortbbound borUlbund train fade Into tbo dusk dnikTbfl dUlkTbo duskTheThe air tr seemed IOCI to echo tbl with Ilb goodbys goodbysHe 10hllag He le could c uld nmoit AlDOt bear 1rlicllla lrlcla lrlclaLg say LgLgWelt Well Welt stiI cubIc bla you ou a as soon lo aa I wo land landIll lant landIllIll Ill send lenl the code ce from Now York YorkIm YorkImIm YorknuImIm ImIm nuIm Im to 0 glad I know kow what bat that IhatIn10urnamtAnlll A AIn V VinyourzuatnatandIn In10urnamtAnlll your name stand for forBoymour torBlourlrenIC or orSeymourSeymour BlourlrenIC ceme Mill lUl to hear the tbelaucu th thehunkhunk lfuJh with lb which bleh else Ibo flnur Ollt Dm thl anMch Albat 1111111 him What on earth elrlb did dit sbo bo meant meantThat mOlu mOluthnt mouths mouthsruntThat A In II til his nnmosho nmohobnd had spoken spokenof Ipokelotof It I onco OICO lforo IltoroH beuroaitid n ld It I night bo boAlden behberuwhuchuAlden hberuwhuchu IIIwh when 11 he wa was O talking tllllg about aboutHob abut abut10h aboutlollHob 10h loll Whatilld WhatilldHglilKiiwI Whol dll dllIrhclo tihil tihillnlccIllalIrhclo lnlccIllal I jqshotitcdiudtbcnIy otltd ddtnl cn cnl1hllll en enIlgiitthiuiiHglilKiiwI l1hllll flrnil Of Hf Iq ni nil Jlirtl Jlirtlaliftt 1hrtll Iintt w9luett wvttduttult wvttduttult2hunt laliftt hnt A ought ollt to 0 ttftjid 8If stand for Atsf AtsfHo Aai Aaia ar IHo 10 a would wOlll have prefarrojMa vr lirctorrco otqdito tele telegrnph fob fobgruiphgrnph Krlll to follow Colow her ler wi blthu tho lie next ih train trainbut trQbn trQbnlustbut 1111 reflection rlcton convinced olln 11 hlm6f tJiotSrj tJiotSrjwlidoru ilo tiuo un unI Ilfl Ilflwisdomwisdom I llonl of such Ilch h I cpnrto cplno A 4 4could Iqlfer Iqlfercould loU r rcoullcould not reach her before the ho left leftNow I bertNow t tNowcoullNow Yotk ok Jte Jo must Iq t bond Iellllt It 16 l her berln berlnIorl In InInrh InartsInrh arts artsTlmreo itl tlThropThrop Tlmreo lnterinln lntorldIj0jvQeks j > bojr tks dragged draggedby 1lrRiged 1lrRigedbyby hi Thrq9lnteunlna1lo4ek ibenvorieiuiornlnskall ThJeIlOIiO Iof lomlt inontiQjl1 al tbo lie world worldreply word word1llloVPb1 vvorllstimit2stimit2 uilertbitrkvtisid wIth her herrelynlrld ttllth 10r 10rrelll1llloVPb1reply relll l Jt jjl jjlAlliariccdBtffLoulf lllAlliariccdBtffLoulf tfliatccd IAlalcd attll attlle5 e 4 T7wp T7wpin I IImIm in back agaIn Kllmoro 1lmoro was 11 say snyIng lOrIn saylag >lag In but lut you U clout look overjoyed t two towo f me meI 10I thought tboulht you 01 were wer In Paris with withPrlsclllo wll withIrieciilaPrlsclllo lrlgell and her mother laid ahl Soy Seymour Soy11101sf Imour 101r I congratulate eonlratulAto you youOn you0hzOn 01 not fOt being elll11 In ParlaY lnrl t ached fke Ell Ellmoro El Elimore moro morlmoroOn On your engagement engagementIm cIgnoholt i iImIm not fat engaged eliogod AcId Hllmore HllmoreYou Jlhnol EllinoreUTonUTon You rOi were wor mvM Rdulj nwtuEj goal RO about lut It cM cMfellow 011 oilfellowfellow telow hut the ll wouldnt wouldlt Imvo IIVo me e Slia Sliacare SbDI Shocarolcare eRrl for somebody 0meWd clue tlavo ilay yoii yoiihcnrd fll you youheard I IheRtlheard heRtl from litrT lur Bhe HII told mo to tollo gIVo gIVoyou glo70th iyou 101 this calls cn LB codex eoox but blt I Iwol Iwell well I Iwntnt Ia Iwasustwntnt a It thinking of It you Jut Ju t then tlelall anil anilII forgot tolot to tend ICld It ItBho ItSho ItSIteSIte cabled tRbl d she was I engaged clllied to tuyou toyou I Irouyou protected IlroteJt Boymour 80lour 03tusour I 111M 111MknoW rtoitt rtoittknow dbht dbhtknoWknow why you ou want Wllt to deny dOli It I Heros Herosber 1ela 1elaber Ifcroitierber moHnnge RUle You YOI couldnt cOlllt expect Olllct bet betto bettoto WriteS wlo your name nlmo could eoul you 70U7 Bho BhosnjB 141IOanyn 1 1asnjB a Ht I Louts Bt Sllolls Louis susan nn slio Iho knows knowsKllmoro kfowi ksiowEhhmoro IKllmoro road tho message Then be liecompared beeOllRrcd becouuiparedcompared eOllRrcd It with wlb a column colull In the cable cablecode cAblecle cablecodecodecodeJack Jack ho Hnld IlIhl youre tho best st Set fellow tCI tCIlow Setbow low on Oi earth oorl but blt youre llro no end onl Of ota otatol a afool afoolfool tol It I Its you 101 PrlHcllla lrlHc1o caret for Corou Corouhlockhulll you youblockhead youblockheadblockhead hlockhulll and Attlnticcd AIRlced mcanthero mcantheroIt llaubcre llaubcreIIt I U II In II tho itcnmcr companyt 0Ipn1 code codeHave CI CIUnve codehaveHave ttartcil ItM1C1 for borne hOl and1 ald will wil sol solon sail sailon AII AIIonon tho Bt Louis 111 If you have luck luclcyou luckOU luckyouyou OU can cal Just Jlat nljut loUt sot to New York In Intime IntlO intimetime tlO to meet leet ber ber1rltcllln II luorC or orlIIICIRC C I C I S i iIilscihla1rltcllln lIIICIR laid Seymour moro mor then tbtnn tbln tblnAA week wek later what hnt mode mOIO you ouaa1 aay 1 1reminded JNlhllee Irutnllutledreminded Nlhllee you ou of armor plate plateIrlicllla Illnt07lrllclo platoPrIscIllaIrlicllla lrllclo laughed IlughC happily happilyDid bappl huhppllyDidDid I city II thoU that clue ho asked alk Well WellI W II take tnk U I back uncl It J wonnt a good go ilmllo ilmlloThere almiboThere Imlo ImloThoroThere are denser things than Ihol oven ovenarmor oer ovenarmorarmor plato Now see eo how your yourtoutlcd youytousledtousled toual d any haitI ImlrlX balrlCI haitILcapX Leap CI to Pant PantIn 1a 1aIntbo l7argInIn Intbo the Smlthtonlan 8mlhllln lnitltutloh tlmulon tlmulonWIlluron t tWashington tVashu1ngtonWashington WIlluron 1 II n 1 glntscaie gln 4o containing containinga collalnlla stuffed lllol cat Clt A card tells tel why 1 Chic tbliparticular tbl tblpartculAr Chicparticularparticular partculAr cat l it known klownto to fame Clle8Id Clle8Idtla and andtbo andthethe tla ebony tins I aa follow followMany toloUI toloUIMn tobbowt tobbowtManyMany Mn year era ago while wblo the Washing Washington Wlablni ton tonlOIUlelt monument war wasstihl wlIUIIDal itlll In an uhitultU uhitultUtd uollllb uollllbeded condition cldlUOI an 11 adyentureua nlYIDturlu and Anl pa patriotic pmtriotbe a atrloUc triotic cat aicondcd Dlcendc the lie Interior of tu tutbnft tbe tbehnU liiishaftshaft by m menl menus nnt of qtlborop o thoTOpos nnd Ril t sat satfolding nf nffolding IItfolllnfolding follln VUcll Vel the workmeh arrived arrivedatat the thoul upper lr landing IAldlnl tbo next net nioTnlng nioTnlngand n nmanliugcrud Dllr DllrRldand Rld began Iflnn to prepare lie lIaD for tbe days dayswork dl tittysworkwork tho cat ca t took tok fright tgl and AII spring springIng Iprlng IprlngInr npnltigItigIng to the outer oiier edge took tok tho leap lelll of100 10 feet to the tlo hard earth below belowIn lelow lelowII belowInIn II tho descent dUlcenlwblch which wai 11 watched watchedcloudy watchedclosely ltehtcloudy by twosforo or of men ithocnt ithocntipread IthocatIIrem1 1tluooidspreadspread IIrem1 herself hQolr out lIken Ikn flying Bijulr Bijulrrel aquirredred fell Cul slowly aloll nnd alighted nlKbtel as 4 cot cotnlwnys cot cots cotsnlwnysdonlwnys 1111ado11 nlwnysdo do on all fUtOUf fours foursAfter four fourAfterAfter Alcr turning over on tho toll 011 a f tl lw lwlilIes w wtimetime n na If I dated d d the ho prepared pfllnro to toleave toleaveleave 1 mot beyond beOII thu shadow of the mourn monument monl mournniont mont when whol n 1 dog 10g belonging lelonal to ono 010 of oftho otIho ofIhtotho workmen pounced Jounce upon uJn her heraM heraMklJ and andkilled autOkilledkilled klJ her berlbo also of ofcource course cur o not 10t being elnt able nblato nlio nlioto abletoto run a nl fait Clt at I usual ulal after perform performhiK lertorl performluighiK hl tuvh an flh extraordinary utrnorl1na1 feat featOne teat featOneOne of the men rescued the body br of oftho ottho ofthuotho cat Clt smoothed InDll out ut her bel tllky lkt ilk coat coatand cct coAtand I Iaadand turned IlrueetIu tbe remains otwf ote t faa o a rep reprctcntntlvo r1 representntivo I Ircanlnlorctcntntlvo rcanlnlo of the Biultbtonlau 8mlbllllaulnUlu 8mlbllllaulnUlulon lintltu lintltulion Inatituthoulon lion who mounted lounlel the tlo skin kln cud placed placedIt IIt under ib the he 1101 Ian case caseMtilcnn Cil CilMnlcn caseMeiloinMtilcnn Mnlcn Ullqattlo UllqattloThere GlqI EtiqsiteThereThere Thcr are some 010 pointsof plots lnll ot Mcxfcan Mcxfcanetiquette Modela ModelalhlJete Uexfestnetiutietteetiquette lhlJete that to many man foreigners ac accuitouicd cccustonuedcuitouicd cOltolcd to more mOr brusque and IDd bUll butlncisllke busihessllkevvnyincisllke 101110111 hessllkevvnyi vayt teem l en often oftingftuctcd linUr4tcd Affected ant antunnecesinry at4 at4Inl atti attiunuccessaryunnecesinry Inl CCllrl tUcli Uel forlnstnncc t rJtltoncb as n tbo tboofttlmct tboottme theofttlrnesofttlmct ottme protracted Irtract ddllC8110D discussions as I a to towhich towhlcb towhichwhich of ottwo two gentlemen gcnteheD shall bU enter ente 8 8ttrctt astreetstreet tlreetcar car or doorway d rwn1 flwtor Ontlor wbleh wblehshall whlebhal bIch bIchshallshall hal be b allowed Dloed to walk walkon on the outside outsideof outallof the tlo sidewalk IldewlkA AI A nrulc a rule I hpwete hpwetemost h hOvevei hOveveimost n ee eeIotmost Iot foreigners wl wh6 whohivto llve Ih fro for hnrlougtU hnrlougtUof jleaIgtbof lea illi illiofof time In n Ijitln country couDtrrcomo conic to o en enjoy enj01 cuJoy joy the moro cordial fonnrofBrectld fonnrofBrectldnlthough tonnotlireeUdralthough foruuaofgrtcthuijalthoughalthough frequently CrequentlytbeT they do not realize realisehow realliltIlolY realizehowhow thoroughly thorourhl1the1 they bnvo 6a adopjed adopjedthem l flttoptditheta t pted ptedthemthem In their thelroti owti conduct oudlidlntlltl until they theymcaMcxIcanIlerald theyreturn e1 e1returnreturn CoIl COt a vb4ltatiton lil atron tb their r t Uuutr UuutrmcnMeleaflI1echd unlrt unlrtwcn1eICIDmcaMcxIcanIlerald mcaMcxIcanIleraldU wcn1eICID Ueratd olj oljIU I It It C Coneeo rr cC lo Bar > O 0441I1Ib J ait 4MHItls 4MHItlsIf II iitllir iitllirIfIf health means men na bodily sound soundncta JOuDdnee soundnessnee ness ncta how Is I It possible 190 to speak of ofgohMthr ofgodhhahtLagohMthr goid godhhahtLa bjlltb1 jafi b > IIn Inlts Its primary sense ensoLuodlly healthtaecBfl healthtaecBflIxxllly health NII8Ixxllly roundness i but It al1Bie aIsb1iueiby Io Ioby Bi Bibyby extension the general t nernl condltloacf condltloacftbo it ittbotbo body ai compared com nlell with some con condition conditlon n ndillon dillon taken na a standard and nd inthU inthUsenao In thl thlseDIOsenao Iliealth Is iproparly lIroperllnull prcperliulfletPe prcperliulfletPegoott ouallfle tttt M Mgood I IKOOIlgood Ibadwlll tbaii baa weak delicate deIefttebust Vo Vobuit 1rbubust bu ctcGllinl elcElltllbetb > etli A Wltbey to totadlct If1rndlel Iatndbestadlct Homo Journal louta1Kot JocroalNotNot 70 Co c cwasnllhr ir1mbled Ir k4IDari kknaLwhh kknaLwhhwas JWJ JWJlfllwas being uncomfortably uncomrortablcrowdcd crowded by b1theJolll1QO bythe bitiiejoilythe theJolll1QO tiiejoily Jolly looking bookingfnt lnllnt fn man Them Xbectpo Xbectposhould b cars carsshould ra ratbouldshould Charge Think soT or replied the tat man manVhyJtUeyd mlnWbM1Iierd mkDuVblbedVhyJtUeyd hArdly lardl thlakjlt tbl liflt klt woHft woHftwhile woftbbllv wttwhilewhile bllv to I atop Il l1 for r r youCaGollc IOU yoOCaUiohicStan yoOCaUiohicStanand C 60IlcJJt 60IlcJJtant 8u 8usrdant and Times i i iRut is isSS f 34 A if ifHut i inuHut nu for forbioncy mon money 1 and the need bf b U Uthere Itthero fltherethere woulJ o liJ not be bohaIC half the tbe frlcndahtp frlcndahtpthat trlend hfp hfptbotthat there ji 1 la jo 1f the e > WorMf or jw U iserful R Rerful tr trrrtulerful for good 1 It dlvlnely dhlnel dlineljLOo dlineljLOoMacDonald ul s dolRl dolRlM dolRlKIDNEY iGeorw iGeorwMacDonaldMacDonald MacDonaldKIDNEY I ItheKIDNEY DlSE1SES DlSE1SESI1ethc iSEi iSEiRrethcI1ethc the most inotfataIoafldLs inotfataIoafldLscases fatal ofaO of aU cb cbfll dfseauscases eausfOLEYS casesnlnl KIDNEY CURE It IiFUUI Ifll CVQfOLEYS IULC I JFUUI 0 luirutHjl hrutss4Rs44J iBW iBWmoneymoney refunded Gbht Cbtal taJ ln lnaedlesaedles recognized by by em1 cm nl nleyphysIcians as the utforey and Bladder WoaWo UoU UoUfJlJC8 toabIcsCC fJlJC8 a4 IMjsUWANT 8VNTK31 SHl iYHTJ1 JI TIME OABI OABImrMfCTivi cUtIECOT1VJ C4tItIUVFICTIVSlmrMfCTivi UKO n 1001 lootIlKlAllTUHUB 1001U 1001IUTAIUTA U T A OOIUMIJA OOIUMIJAIIEIAI1tUIIUB 0011Th lLA lLAlMllIlKlAllTUHUB IlKlAllTUHUBNOJI IIEIAI1tUIIUBNOJI lMll U it 1dB 1dBdoj1NOJI 4100 pi p m Dillyl 1111 For Itktlin 101101nm 1ak1s1ud1 Kll KllAnnul Ku KuSuTIInaeAnnul nm Urlimlo OlIn lo VlllnnJ viii ml n ill 11 polnliNorlh polo NohII Noth Hut Hid uiI Wilt u con conIM co colelln1 CDIItuectinijattuectinijat lelln1 IM 1 JkIlld I with lib IhODlb lUtncri ipera far farprincipii icrpuuu5plprincipii puuu5pl Itlp I poinii polOllln point in In mi Ihlh thilhsetNo jtiii jtiiiNoiity II IINO1fNoiity No 7 Mm H Ii m l Ihllcwrillondyt 15117 > lljc ovept ptdinJiyifcriAr ptdinJiyifcriArciilliJlUrinw ihndayt orAr forArcdls orArrldlIIIIIDWciilliJlUrinw cdls Sleriow indlnlirmidlliicilntl indlnlirmidlliicilntlAMtlVALH sunS Inlllntdi hustuuudlcts pllnll pllnllIIIALIo pnintAhItIVALHwAMtlVALH AMtlVALHItlilki AhItIVALHwNo IIIALIo IIIALIonlInlI No ii IJ s tj s 5n n JI1I1 m fom JockollllI JockollllIIhlh JacksouivillIaiatkItlilki SinfordiOilindo 8ntol OIlId likilind and Intir IntirNo IlilorInoIl liter litertnudistiInoIl tnudisti poln polnNo points aNo 11035 jil H Mj I S Im I III Dilly nlI from om ill 11 pubis Noil NoilKiiliViuthtddWiM Nllrlb Nllrlbleul NutbhuaiuKiiliViuthtddWiM KiiliViuthtddWiMNo leul booth ADd W WNo Weal WealNoNo puj ij j jo p nt n Hilly iicepl IIUPI uUp 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end IIn lunar i 5 5vsKairiltbirlnrormitloi VII rUlb fislbrlnocanstlon lafoloa rill on am JWDootk JWDootktKimt J 3W W nOCtu floothagiitvrsjdrs ragiitvrsjdrs 1110 JATsjiogdiniiiunpisseSaei JATsjiogdiniiiunpisseSaeiP5 A Tlordhlkin plltKimt P5 011 > lHl 11 15 iIoib i > ib h irtvclltK 111 piiiiiiftriffnl piiiiiiftriffnlTimfilH peciger egent egentITimfilH 1oo I ansfst45 llt urll Itr II W Wriiitt psuger > UMDlMilint UMDlMilintmniKtr 1lRa 1lRaau8unnh ImSIflimses5ermniKtr au8unnh au8unnhClrb 8iinnih 8iinnihCutcby sissshCatchyCatchy Clrb ftntct ftnuUtule Music Issued nd bjr b riant 111111101 HjiUm HjiUmIly ysternbyIly by lending hn en cents In silver or poi pottge poie postatcatc ge e iliinjii IllInll to II W 1 Wrenn Passenger IamnguJ1 raffle Manngvr Manallvrllant 1lant Syilem8avann System Savannah Savannahih h hJai Ja copiti of either of 0 the 1h followlnp followlnpbright followll1brlllhi fohhowiiigbrightbright and nd catchy eatchu airs can be secured aec d I ITickled Irlckltll ITkkiCilTickled lo Death two ktepl 1 Trolling TrollingThrough Trottingllsruughs lroIlID C CThruughThrough the Ih Irk Excellent piano pianomuilc IIlanoI1Il1l1c pianomusllcmuilc tl tlChenti IIhIlIlleu I ICheatsCheats Tin III iliit 11 Mrilrm MrilrmOn IIInOn lipatem lipatemOnOn account of Confederate Veterans VelcraniReunion VeINAnIteunlon VeteransReunionReunion the 1lant Syilem will lelltlck lelltlcket ichi 011 lick lickele ticketcet etc on April rrlllKlh19lh20lh iKili 1911 aolh and am to toDalln 10Dallll toDallasDalln lUll and return returnl at rate ol 013750 013750rpm 1750 1750from 3750r0mfrom rpm Iunta unrdi anu correipomllngly cortespondinglylowrow rules from other olherpolnt polnli ticket mn mntied thin Illntt thinliedtied tt d lo return May Ma ad However by de depoiltlng depollIng depositingpollIng tickets with Joint agent upon uponarrival IIponarrival uponcrivalarrival at al11l1l1u UulUiand and payment pzymeuitot of flllr cli clian 11 11an clianan extenilonol extension ollho of the Altai limit II III It Until May MayIjth Mayutls o o151hIjth may lI1a be obtained obtainedA oblalnedholcaA choice holca of dozen a different routes rcuteiwith routflIVhh routeswillswith schedules and all Inlonnatloii maybo obtainedby oblilined by calling on ticket agents ugentilenger agentsof01 the Plant System or bl Is ddremtng drwlo J JAA fnloy Ulvilioln lluener Agent AgentTampa Rrn Rrnral1lldTampa IIl Florfda rlda or II W Wrenn J Jaenger Ias Iaslongerlonger Tralllc 1ram Manaoor Hayannah iayannstu I Ga Gatllapjt OatIIap2t Gathiap2Itllapjt tllapjtUS thiap2IufstUS Mall Steamships SteamshipsOFOF THE THEPeninsular THEPoninsular THEPoninaularPeninsular Occidental OccidentalSteamship Ocoidontall OcoldoiitalStoathllhlpI Steamship Co CoWill 00Will CoVhliWill Vhli leave 1ortTampa 1Ofl fuupa as follows t tLeave ILuve tLeaveLeave il Tampa Tuesdays Tua ThurtdayM ThurtdayMand ThltIradaylandSdndayi fhdl fhdlIOd8l1nd1and IOd8l1nd1 Sunday it 1111 U too w > p Ilnanli Inand arrive Iurlveat IurlveatKy at atK atKyK Ky frlda Frldzysnt5130 I at51 I p m mrrr m4rjvy4rjvy rrr allavall aI hiavaiii fUCldI ruesdaycTisursdayi ruesdaycTisursdayisttdSaturdnts Thuredal ThuredalandSandS sttdSaturdnts sttdSaturdntsI lurclnJ rI IIJCJFIUNO bPICKERINGTraveling fi fiTravellnTraveling 1nueneer Agent AgentVnnnhliU AgentIsY000hhs4la lIent lIentIiIYAnnRuei3erIiIYAnn IiIYAnno IiIYAnnIII IsY000hhs4la VnnnhliU VnnnhliUPlant o 1csengrTra90eMamtagr 1csengrTra90eMamtagrPlant III nfll IsUA IsUAPlnntPlant SystemMILE System SystemMILAMILE G E TI TIITS TIITSC Cl ETSC 3500 PER 1000 AtlLBS AtlLBSAreGood MIUISAra ULESAreAreGood Are Good OnrtboFollovloj Om the FollollDg Lines LinesATLANTIC LInesrANTIC LInUsArANTICATLANTIC COAST IIHR IIHRItiltroadAViihlitgton lnIlCItItltl1ond lixaltlistnontlItItltl1ond orrd Fredrlchsbturg rlchburl maul Iolnmac IolnmacIhllrOlldVahlnalonSMll lotounacItsItiltroadAViihlitgton Its IhllrOlldVahlnalonSMll tloutd5W4thlngtonSoUthcru1ltciiwmy Southern SouthernHallway ern ernItlllhaIlJHallway ItlllhaIlJ LOultvllleNaih LOultvllleNaihvllle Ldulsvhlie lnlllo Nah Nahvllle Nashvillevllle Railroad RailroadKiceptLnulivlll RailroadllceptJnulnlllcolhrrod RailroadEscepti4tthsvlilellceptJnulnlllcolhrrod KiceptLnulivlll Ihrroda Creek nnd nndWeitporlRailroad nOlIWellrorlRlilirod nndWestpontRutiirouulWeitporlRailroad Elkton and Gulhrle GulhrleGliigO GUlllrloGII GuihrIeOI4sgdvGliigO lUlltoad Pontchartraln It R RCharleiton RCharluton RCllarirstonCharleiton St Weitern Carolina Railway RailwaySouth IhllwaySouth RailwaySouthSouth Georgia Railway Hallw Georgia GeorgiaNorthern GeorgiaNOllhcrnnallwll GeorgiaNorhornNorthern NOllhcrnnallwll Hallway Tlllon TlllonNoilheiitern lIIlonNOllhelllern lit litNostheasternNoilheiitern Railroad Ocllln and andIrwnlvllle lodlrwnlvlllo andIrwnlvillaIrwnlvllle Railroad Tlllon Tifuonvtuuitrie ft ftMuultrle kMuullrloMuultrle Railway ltal Sparki Srar Moullrle Moullrleft MoultrieGul MouslirlcGullft Gull Railway IbllwsyOOKVENIElIf RailwayAA A OOKVEHIEHI METHOD or TBiVEUHO TBiVEUHOItII WAV1IKNN WAV1IKNNVM tV WIIICNN WIIICNNPasmgsrVM I Pasmgsr iiCtr Traffin Mau Mausger MausgeruleeTltketAunti er erlIeTlt r rKraTlrketlIeTlt uleeTltketAunti KraTlrket Aftnti HiTinnh fIa u uALL UJJ Iit1JJ l lV lrt1 t1ALLVr ALL tWQMEH WOMEN WOMENVIH c cf> VIH tIlqTqf of f iCardut ktkt ii Uc guardian guardianofof a womans voman health and happl happllC hpplsIJj lC sIJ s4osuyuths ffjOiu II Juth n llh to old ago It Itlicljn Ithuhslicljn Iicraafely her saltily tful Into womanhood womanhoodItsUltalni wOIIIlIhoodItItsUltalni It suitalnz tnlmC her during dllrlnjUu the trusTs trlnhof ttilsDf trusTsofof prvgnairov childbirth and anilmotherhood AnImolhcr anduiuothusrhioo4motherhood molhcr making m ln labor easy eM eMallll 0L17stud i iandand prerentlngvlloo prnenUnglIdlnrand >CarrIage It gently 1It1r load her herIhrollgl herthirotigis i ifvIhrollgl fv t H tine o dangerous porlod porlodtellO1t veniiI veniilctuois t tknownknown M a the ohan Obllftltol ohauuge r I > WINECARDUI WINECARDUIenitW1enitW tuj1 ituoorrhoj uoorrhQlltllalJkir > WM ip of the thov01UI1 thewomnsb1 ivomV and monitrall monslrultmgufrlly monslrultmgufrllyIn Irregularity trreguladtyInIn every oteryloml form It U I valuable lu lullfoi 111CTe Juteveryirb0gCTe everyirb0g tlhlg crIodof r tlt 11IDiuI a n njibllfoi jlf jib It reinforce rebJonel the ncrvou ncrvouyste ncollj ncryouiystaiac1ij S1IMu yste 1 tal organ and U the fln finest t tonlo tonloI Oolofor lottieforI for women known Ask dur OurUr dur1nI durarugglstUr 1nI arugglst lit Jot alUOO a 1100 OCotlle t tlle vf vfB 11Wfne nfltativflisWfne Canlltl CanlltlJJB 1111 t i lli Ala lta July 3ul JI lr 104 104fonli 1I0IlJ lseIJ imalagWlaiUsdetad4hed imalagWlaiUsdetad4hedloots oJar WIael OrII4 l l10N10N loots BlttkBrntkt 1I11I1nll and 1 IsiS tHlllko llkt Ilk Ilkdigrvat a admtrmt I11relIdmtrmt WOIMI w tUttdr STir Inral l ldim t tdiet a adldim dl htrt bc ki bp p the lb BMlllntiU their IkilrkoH theirhone4iaultbi hlrallUkoH hone4iaultbi t aUll > t ttat 1 r 1 Ilia ktr have three glHt glHtud JldIII girt girtrndtbyarfIigItw1ihweI ud rndtbyarfIigItw1ihwe rndtbyarfIigItw1ihweIrsATB fttrtr ttterIIt1a1I ktlif it with withllnKATK WIIIUcc llnKATK JBOWPWEXPERIENCtT JBOWPW 1ItOWPLIwi BOWDUoliilii t4 M Iii oinn1iqi lids uS uSIT flIT 1 UoIIoot1o 5ami AIwtbnn AIwtbnnDurnDurn 1 a ckattsuit JI4I Sleilia SleiliaCtagamp JCtagamp cuss1 1TRADeEXPERIENCE EXPERIENCtTATENTS EXPERIENCEA EXPERIENCETiuncATENTS ATENTSTiwot ATRADe MajiRi MajiRiDctians MAJlIISDUla1 MccciDcstnnisDctians DctiansCOPVRMHTCC DUla1COM18 DcstnnisCOPVSMTBCOPVRMHTCC COPVRMHTCCnUUon COM18 c cilo C CAvonlAvonl I4IIIIOI 5 shetch J and d dopt5nii r may mayqilekIale4fWflqilekIale4fWfl ilo srerueake freuwimb freuwimbtmiinfl x xIltIlt tmiinfl II lpcusiatyjumPnhabie pruIor tbl oemnle oemnleu u aluua nkClIuA ItsMbu ItsMbusuns taM llIeoi1suns 1 Sr 014 Olidali agalT fI smrwgienhs smrwgienhsrgmauin PIIDU PIIDUrtlrtttrtlrttt rgmauin u isralf II Mu 5 eGo rlClln recuesyirmilsyirmil aeSial wuihoestiarri to t5e t5eScIeK1ifIStkMlIfit 1IIIttkt1M 1IIIttkt1MA ThKrkAwAbafldomhyinmtrstadA Abafldomhyinmtrstad h01JCIeo IUalln 4 wkh y 7mtet et etr ceeusJonufnUUon eusJonuf of iysnitIi3umueL icItaiU et etiiUNtfCo TiTlist5 r I feW melthi it usual by I aTsceiiUNtfCo lit It New YnrkJInIIdI Ollct It W I IfC 2ff7e9595c